Performance & Classic Car Data

Compare the Ferrari Sergio 4.5 V8 Roadster - [2014] vs Subaru Impreza WRX STI V5 Type R - JDM - Classic - [1998].

Compare the Ferrari Sergio 4.5 V8 Roadster - [2014] vs Subaru Impreza WRX STI V5 Type R - JDM - Classic - [1998]. Find out which car is the fastest, most powerful, lightest or has the biggest engine in our top trumps style comparison page. Find out which car has the highest top speed or is the fastest accelerating, is it the Ferrari Sergio 4.5 V8 Roadster or the Subaru Impreza WRX STI V5 Type R - JDM - Classic. We'll leave it up to you to decide which is your favourite.

Figures & Specs: Ferrari Sergio 4.5 V8 Roadster - [2014]

Ferrari Sergio 4.5 V8 Roadster - [2014] image


Figures & Specs Summary:

Figures & Specs: Subaru Impreza WRX STI V5 Type R - JDM - Classic - [1998]

Subaru Impreza WRX STI V5 Type R - JDM - Classic - [1998] image


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Jaguar XJ V6

Jaguar XJ V6
Engine: Naturally Aspirated Petrol | 2967cc 24v V6
Top Speed: 148 mph
0-60mph: 8.60 seconds

Aston-Martin DBS 770 Ultimate 5.2 V12 Twin Turbo

Aston-Martin DBS 770 Ultimate 5.2 V12 Twin Turbo
Engine: Twin Turbo Petrol | 5204cc 48v V12
Top Speed: 339.5 kph
0-100kph: 3.3 seconds

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