Performance & Classic Car Data

Quarter (1/4) Mile Times by Car Marque Make Index

Marque CollageChoose a marque from the list to find a list of quarter (1/4) mile times for their more significant modern and classic cars. Select the make to find a list of various models and their Quarter (1/4) mile times amongst many other performance specifications including 0-60mph, 0-100mph, top speed, power, torque, weight etc.

Car Figures:

Ford Taurus SHO 3.5 V6 Performance Pack

Ford Taurus SHO 3.5 V6 Performance Pack
Engine: Twin Turbo Petrol | 3496cc 24v V6
Top Speed: 155 mph
0-60mph: 5.20 seconds

Seat Leon ST Cupra 280

Seat Leon ST Cupra 280
Engine: Turbo Petrol | 1984cc 16v St4
Top Speed: 249.4 kph
0-100kph: 6.1 seconds

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